We are an employment agency accredited by the Region of Sicily and we are part of the National Network of Employment Services. We promote practices of social change, based on collective action aimed at creating a fairer, more inclusive, sustainable society that respects differences.


SPOQ is our specialized and free
guidance consulting service.

Job services

Active policies with businesses and citizens
for decent, regular, and safe jobs

International Mobility

We implement cooperation and mobility
projects to connect Sicily and Europe


SPOQ - Neighborhood Guidance Desk

Our specialized and free guidance consulting service. We are
open to the public every day from 9:00 to 13:00 at our location. Additionally, every Friday morning at booq and at ZEN,
a guidance desk for services and employment is active.

Send Mobility Platform

Our platform aims to create a quality mobility system in the field of innovation. It facilitates the best matching between university students/innovators and organizations in Europe, providing information and support to prepare and evaluate Erasmus+ mobilities for trainees managed by our consortium.

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our figures


Internships activated each year


Businesses in our network


Direct beneficiaries each year
