Guidance Looking Towards the Future of Individuals and Society

For us, guiding means helping individuals to better understand themselves and to develop an active, critical, and aware attitude towards the world around them.

We propose a guidance aimed at making citizens of all ages, protagonists of their own personal, educational, and professional planning, starting from the recognition of the right for everyone to choose and cultivate their own aspirations.

Our guidance services:

A team of guidance consultants, job market operators, and cultural mediators design personalized paths in a perspective of permanent guidance.

SPOQ - Neighborhood Guidance Desk

SPOQ is our specialized and free
guidance consulting service.

Schools and Choices

SEND supports primary and secondary schools,
and CPIAs with guidance paths

SPOQ - Neighborhood Guidance Desk

SPOQ – Neighborhood Guidance Desk – is our specialized and free guidance consulting service.

As an accredited agency for providing guidance and employment services, SEND is open to the public every day from 9 to 13 at our location. Additionally, every Friday morning at booq, a guidance desk for services and employment is active.

  • Informational and guidance support to the local social health services
  • Job guidance The desk is open to anyone wishing or needing to start a path of personal change and transition from education to work, from work to work, from unemployment/inactivity to work.

The stages of our path:

Definition of your professional training project

Choice of an education and/or training path

Consultation on job search channels and database consultation

Registration at the Employment Center and support for the request of the Immediate Availability for Work Declaration (DID) and the Professional Data Sheet (SAP)

Active job search accompaniment and identification of job opportunities in line with your profile

Writing and/or reviewing your resume and cover letter to companies

Promotion of your CV to local companies

Simulation of job interviews

Tutoring in the first phase of job placement

Placement into active employment policies promoted by public entities

The strengths of our desk:


Send's guidance initiatives are an integral part of the activities carried out as an accredited LAP (Local Action Plan) by the Sicilian Region and the Ministry of Labor. Send is also the national contact point for the Euroguidance network.


A specialized staff undergoing continuous training, composed of guidance consultants, specialized job market operators, and a linguistic cultural mediator with specific competencies in guidance.


Absence of architectural barriers in the desk service locations.


Presence in the desk of a cultural mediator with peer-to-peer guidance competencies. Use of a specific guidance kit, iconographic, multilingual, and gaming-based for citizens with a migratory background.

Where are we?

We work to ensure that as many people as possible have access to quality services for work and guidance. For this reason, our desk is also itinerant! We move around the city and, starting from building community relationships with those already operating in the territories, we bring our experience and our guidance competencies integrating them with the other present services.

Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00
SEND, Via Roma 194 (PA)

Every Friday from 9.00 to 13.00
Booq, via Santa Teresa (PA)

Every Friday from 9.00 to 13.00
Spazio Donna ZEN, via Rocky Marciano 15 (PA)

+39 375 555 1812