For a decent, regular and safe job

We are an employment agency accredited by the Sicilian Region and part of the national network of services for people seeking employment and repositioning, established by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies.

We are a private agency, but we have a public vocation and work to ensure that everyone has the right to access free and quality orientation and placement services (Article 29 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union).

Not just any job

Our active policies are aimed at helping people find quality jobs that offer fair wages and safe working conditions, allowing a decent standard of living, being treated with respect at the workplace, and opening opportunities for professional development.

With people

Our work involves accompanying individuals towards new employment opportunities, offering paths that enhance personal and professional resources, within territorial systems that we strive to make fairer, more inclusive, and responsible.

Under the guidance of a consultant, you will be involved in individual meetings aimed at developing your professional project, starting from analyzing your skills, expectations, and aspirations. We use validated and standardized analysis tools that include both structured sheets and individual interviews based on the biographical narrative method; this phase lasts about 10 hours. Once your personalized project is defined, you can follow a Job Assistance course varying from 6 to 18 hours. A specialist job market operator will assist you in identifying the most suitable employment opportunities for your profile (scouting); handle the demand/supply match (matching), contacting the company to propose your resume; assist you in preparing for the selection interview and in the initial work placement period. Our operator will also assist the company in designing your integration plan, identifying possible hiring incentives or defining the training project, in case of extracurricular internships.

The internship is a training opportunity that allows participants to carry out temporary on-the-job learning experiences within a specific business context.

Our extracurricular internships are integrated paths of orientation, in-company training, and job assistance offered to individuals who need to enter or re-enter the job market. These are paths thought out, designed, and personalized each time based on the specific learning objectives of the individual.

Each beneficiary is dedicated an individual path of at least 40 hours between first-level orientation, exit accompaniment, and tutoring. Intense and personalized work on skills development, motivation and renegotiation, planning skills development, and external context knowledge. We believe that only within such a structured device, together with training for companies, do active policies increase their impact, allowing people not only to enter the job market regularly but also to stay there, continually setting new professional goals.

We counter any distorted use of internships, which cannot in any way be used to replace the regular employment contracts present in our system.

Extracurricular internships are regulated at the national level by the 2017 Internship Guidelines (as updated by the 2022 Budget Law) and at the regional level by the Sicilian Regional Council Resolution no. 292 of 19 July 2019.

If you are looking for a different working condition compared to employment, our operators can offer you a consulting and support service for self-employment and business start-up. The service will allow you to reflect and read the personal skills and resources you have, those to be enhanced or developed to undertake this path: entrepreneurial, relational, and technical skills, functional to the development and management of a business or self-employment.

If you are a person with disabilities, you will be supported in verifying the requirements for registration on the special lists for Targeted Placement established at the Employment Center. You will be helped to carry out your registration, but also to update it. In 2021, in fact, the Sicilian Region renewed the insertion procedures, asking already registered users to confirm or deny the willingness to remain on the lists. Our consultants will help you understand the labor rights of people with disabilities to apply to private companies and to send requests for start-ups to public bodies. (L.68/99)

With Companies

Active policies concern both individuals and companies. They are indeed an opportunity for companies to get in touch with selected resources, motivated to undertake new work experiences. We accompany and support companies in welcoming and getting to know new candidates and in handling the procedures related to hiring.

We offer companies an informative service on national and regional programs (Youth Guarantee Program, GOL Program) that provide forms of incentives and facilitations for the hiring of specific categories of workers and for certain types of contracts. We promote extracurricular internships as an active policy tool, as we believe that internships, if well structured and supported by orientation, tutoring, and accompaniment activities, can represent an excellent tool for mutual knowledge for companies and interns, training, and requalification of new company resources. We counter any distorted use of internships, which cannot in any way be used to replace the regular employment contracts present in our system. Extracurricular internships are regulated at the national level by the 2017 Internship Guidelines (as updated by the 2022 Budget Law) and at the regional level by the Sicilian Regional Council Resolution no. 292 of 19 July 2019.

Send offers consulting and support to companies on hiring and searching for personnel belonging to protected categories. Our operators provide employers with information on hiring obligations and how to fulfill them. We operate with personalized support, making matches that take into account the needs and specific requirements of both companies and potential candidates.

Send is part of a network of associations and local realities with which it carries forward social innovation projects. Individuals taken in charge by Send participate in various reactivation, training, and requalification activities. Individuals are thus followed over time, and company insertion activities are carefully accompanied and monitored in the medium and long term.

Companies are assisted by experienced operators in preselection and evaluation of potential candidates. It is also possible to take advantage of direct meeting services with citizens looking for employment through the organization of Recruitment Day, Career Day, and Employer Branding events.

The welcoming companies network

The Manifesto of Welcoming Companies is a document elaborated in a participatory way by an alliance of third-sector organizations, private companies, and public bodies that collaborate to spread a culture of social responsibility, aimed at facilitating the insertion and permanence in the job market of young migrants who arrived alone in Italy.

We realize and co-finance active policy paths designed by us

We design tailor-made actions for the social contexts in which we operate. Our goal is to integrate employment services within territorial welfare interventions, carried forward in alliance with other actors, both public and private, with a perspective of shared and global care for individuals.

We carry forward the active employment policies promoted by Public Entities such as:​